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The Visit of Prof. Arie Tsutomu to Can Tho University

On January 16th, 2024, Can Tho University (CTU) had the honor of welcoming Professor Arie Tsutomu, Vice Rector of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) and Chairman of the Advisory Council of Japanese partner universities in the JICA-CTU project; and Ms. Nakamaru Mai, representing the JICA Viet Nam Office. The delegation was welcomed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, the Rector of Can Tho University, along with representatives from the university’s units.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Rector of CTU, expressed a warm welcome to Prof. Arie Tsutomu on his visit to CTU

At the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh expressed profound gratitude and acknowledged the exceptional support of Professor Arie Tsutomu throughout the period. The positive contributions of Professor Arie Tsutomu in the project to upgrade Can Tho University, funded by the Japanese government, have played a crucial role in helping Can Tho University to construct and improve infrastructure, as well as in training and developing high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region and the entire country. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh looks forward to maintaining and developing the cooperative relationship between CTU and JICA in the future.

Prof. Arie Tsutomu expressed his joyfulness at having the opportunity to return to visit and work at CTU

In his welcoming speech, Prof. Arie Tsutomu congratulated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh on being appointed as the Rector of Can Tho University for the term 2020-2025. He believed that with the achievements already attained by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh and CTU, during his tenure as Vice President, would serve as a solid foundation for further development and success in the future. Prof. Arie Tsutomu emphasized the university’s role as a key national institution in the Mekong Delta region. During this visit, Prof. Arie Tsutomu introduced the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) project, one of Japan’s international research promotion programs aimed to address global issues. He briefly outlined the program and shared his belief that SATREPS would provide a new opportunity for Can Tho University to enhance scientific research activities in various fields within the region and globally.

On behalf of the JICA Viet Nam Office, Ms. Nakamaru Mai sent a congratulatory letter to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh as the new Rector of CTU

As part of this visit, Prof. Arie Tsutomu conducted a seminar on “Adapting to Climate Change - Future Directions of the Crop Protection Industry”. He also provided an overview of the new specialization in “Smart Agriculture Engineering” to students and lecturers in agriculture.

Students and lecturers had the opportunity to get closer to smart agriculture and advanced agricultural techniques in Japan

 Overview of the seminar “Adapting to Climate Change - Future Directions of the Plant Protection Industry Major” and summary of the new specialization “Smart Agriculture Engineering”

Within the framework of the visit, Prof. Arie Tsutomu conducted a laboratory safety management training session. He emphasized the importance of paying attention to rules and practical experiences, and addressing questions from laboratory managers and students. Additionally, the Professor appreciated CTU’s performances and hoped the University to promote the laboratories' role in learning and research. Besides, he wanted more opportunities for further collaboration and development with various CTU’s units.

Overview of the Laboratory Safety Management Training session conducted by Prof. Arie Tsutomu  

The participants raised questions and shared information during the training session  

Group photo 

At the end of the working trip, Prof. Arie Tsutomu visited the Advanced Technology Laboratory, the Research Laboratories Complex, and the Aquaculture Hatcheries, which were built under the framework of the CTU Improvement Project. He also planted a tree to leave his imprint in CTU. He hoped that with the available resources of infrastructure, high-quality personnel, and research experiences, the University will continue to strengthen its capacities and use its research facilities to support the scientific community of students and lecturers more effectively.

Group photo at the Research Laboratories Complex font>


Prof. Arie Tsutomu appreciated CTU and hoped the University to further promote the role of laboratories for learning and research

Prof. Arie Tsutomu took photos with students in the laboratory 

Assoc. Prof. Dr Tran Trung Tinh and Prof. Arie Tsutomu planted a tree at Research Laboratories Complex

Group photo



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