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Degree   Graduate Programs

Master Degree

(2-3 years)

1 Agricultural economics
2 Agricultural system
3 Animal science
4 Aquaculture
5 Aquaculture (taught in English)
6 Aquatic pathology
7 Aquatic resource diversity and conservation
8 Automation and control engineering
9 Biotechnology
10 Business administration
11 Climate Change and Delta Management
12 Climate change and integrated management of coastal aquacuture and fisheries management
13 Climate Change and Sustainable Tropical Agriculture
14 Computer science
15 Crop Sciences
16 Chemical engineering
17 Ecology
18 Economic management
19 Economics
20 Education of management
21 Electrical engineering
22 Enviroment and natural resources management
23 Enviromental engineer
24 Environmental sciences
25 Finance and banking
26 Fisheries management
27 Food Technology
28 Food Technology (taught in English)
29 Genetics and plant breeding
30 Hydraulic engineering
31 Information system
32 Integrated coastal  zone management
33 Land Management
34 LL. M. in economiclaw
35 Mathematical analysis
36 Microbiology
37 Organic chemistry
38 Plant protection
39 Post-harvest technology
40 Principles and methods of english language education
41 Principles and methods of french mathematical physics
42 Principles and methods of mathematics education
43 Principles and methods of vietnamese linguistic education
44 Rural development
45 Soil Science
46 Theoretical and physical chemistry
47 Theory of  probability and mathematical statistics
48 Veterinary medicine
49 Vietnamese literature

Doctoral Degree

(3-4 years)

1 Agricultural economy
2 Animal pathology and disease treatment
3 Animal science
4 Aquaculture
5 Biotechnology
6 Business administration
7 Control engineering and automation
8 Crop sciences
9 Finance - Banking
10 Food technology
11 Information system
12 Land management
13 Microbiology
14 Organic chemistry
15 Plant protection
16 Rural development
17 Soil Science
18 Theoretical physics and mathematical physics
19 Water and soil enviroment

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