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CTU is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Vietnam in international cooperation. To become an internationally recognized university in the academic community, CTU actively promotes international affairs. As a result, CTU is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Vietnam. Thanks to its international cooperation programs, CTU has greatly improved its capacity including training and research in physics.


CTU has signed cooperation agreements with local organizations, institutes and universities to promote training, scientific research and technology transfer, aiming at fostering the development of the region. The mutual relationship of cooperation and support between the University and the localities is increasingly tightened.


MoU Signing Partners

No Partners Date Contents
1 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 08-05-15 Both universities agree on the following general forms of cooperation:
- Exchange of faculty and staff members
- Students mobility for PhD candidates
- Research collaboration
- Special short-term academic programs and projects
2 University of Western Sydney 03-08-15 Both universities agree on the following general forms of cooperation:
- Development of collaborative research projects;
- Organisation of joint academic and scientific activities, such as courses, conferences, seminars, symposia or lectures;
- Exchange of academic staff for teaching and research activities;
- Exchange of students to undertake study or participate in research programs; and
- Exchange of publications and other informations of common interest.
3 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 12-10-15 Appendix to MOU between RMIT and CTU executed on 8 May 2015.
The scopes of the collaborative activities may includes, but is not limited to:
- Mutual visits by academic staff for the purpose of collaborative teaching and research;
- Visits by research scholars for the purpose of collaborative research;
- Visits by undergraduate and postgraduate sutdents for professional and cultural enrichment;
- Joint development of and tendering for research projects;
- Joint hosting and delivery of education seminars that contribute to professional development;
- Cooperation in support of the RMIT- CTU Resource Center through the sharing of materials;
- Cooperation between RMIT and CTU in liaising with Australian and Vietnamese scholarship agencies, which may lead to sponsorship for undergraduae and postgraduate students who particiapte in collaborative activites under he MOU and this Appendix;
- Maintainance of the information in each univesity's website, as far as is practicable, including scholarships and university activities;
- Cooperation in the delivery of distance education;
- Cooperation in the delivery of English as Second Language training; And
- Engagement in other activities for mutual benefit.

4 James Cook University 19-09-16 The areas in which specific agreements may be developed include:
- Exchange of teaching staff and researchers;
- Joint development of research projects;
- Joint organization of scientific and cultural events;
- Exchange of students;
- Exchange of members of their technical and administrative staff;
- Shared courses and subjects
- Dual degrees
- Articulation
5 University of Sunshine Coast (USC) 10-05-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Cooperation on academic programmes;
- development of joint research activities;
- university staff or instruction exchanges and mutual visits to both institutions;
- post-graduate student training and development;
- student exchange and/or visiting programmes;
- exchange of information, including the results of teaching and research collaboration;
- other sources of funding for agreed collaborative activities agreed to be mutually beneficial.
6 University of Technology Sydney 24-07-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Visits by and exchange of students for the purposes of study and research;
- Visits by and interchange of staff for the purposes of research, teaching and discussions;
- Exchange of information including, but not limited to, exchange of library materials and research publications;
- Joint research activities;
- Joint participation in internationally funded projects;
- Joint course development and delivery; and
- Participation in seminars and academic meetings for staff.
7 The University of Newcastle 08-11-17 The University will liaise with CTU to discuss opportunities for formalizing arrangements between the University and CTU in relation to:
- Research and exchange of academic papers
- Student, academic and administrative exchange
- Exchange of academic publication materials
- Other activities agreed upon in writing by both parties
8 University of Queensland 21-11-17 The parties wish to continue general discussions about areas of mutual interest and the feasibility of collaborations including:
a) Collaborative research and publications;
b) Student mobility;
c) Recognition of prior learning;
d) Academic placements;
e) Internships;
f) Scholarships;
g) Visits between institutions by academic staff (faculty), technical and administrative staff;
h) Joint organisation of conferences, seminars or other academic events.
9 Australian Technical and Management College 23-11-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- The exchange of the faculty members and researchers
- The exchange of students
- Organization of joint research projects, including conferences and meetings
- The exchange of information and publications
- Other activities mutually agreed upon by the two institutions
No Partners Date Contents
1 Royal Academy of Cambodia 26-02-17 The detail of the collaboration will be specified through separate negotiations.
- Exchange of the faculty and staff members and students for study tours, short-term trainings, teachings and research;
- Visiting scholars and researchers to both parties for short and long-term trainings;
- Training of Khmer Language to CTU staff;
- Offering annually to five Cambodian awardees from RAC;
- Organization of joint research projects, including conferences and meetings;
- Exchange of information and publications;
- Other activities mutually agreed upon by the two institutions.
2 Royal University of Phnom Penh 16-05-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- The exchange of the faculty members and researchers
- The exchange of students
- Organization of joint research projects, including conferences and meetings
- The exchange of information and publications
- Other activities mutually agreed upon by the two institutions
No Partners Date Contents
1 Brock University 06-06-13 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- To improve international understanding;
- To increase international contacts;
- To increase educational opportunities for students and staff;
- To enrich the educational environment of both universities;
- To increase international research and scientific exchanges;
- To exchange information and cultural awareness about both countries.
2 University of Alberta 01-12-15 In order to promote long-term collaboration and exchange in graduate education between the two institutions, CTU and Ualberta agree to establish a UAlberta -CTU Graduate Scholarship Program (Ualberta-CTU GSP) to create mechanism for CTU and Mekong 1000 doctoral and master's students to study and conduct research at UAlberta with support provided jointly through CTU scholarships and UAlberta.
No Partners Date Contents
1 The Universidad Del Tolima in Ibagué 20-08-13 In furtherance of the aforementioned purposes, subject provisions herein and consistent with the policies and procedures of the respective institutions, the two institutions agree to the following:
- Identify program areas for joint activities
- Encourage recommendations and proposals from members of the two institutions to conduct joint activities
- Facilitate the movement of faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students and undergraduate students between the two institutions to enhance education scholastic competency
- Seek financial support for cooperative activities as agreed upon.
- Prepare joint reports for specific project activities project activities undertaken under this Agreement.
No Partners Date Contents
1 L’Université De Bretagne Occidentale (University of Western Brittany) 28-08-13 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- To encourage exchanges of lecturer-researchers for a specific period, for teaching purposes as well as research, and to facilitate their stay for the duration of their assignment
- To develop joint research programs, in the interests of both parties, to help lecturers and researchers concerned to participate in the implementation of these programs and to provide, as far as possible, at the request of the other Party, publications produced by the researchers and research teams of the institutions concerned
- To host students of the other Party, more particularly master and PhD students. Conditions for hosting students (selection, enrolment, acknowledge of the period of studies, etc.) will be set out, for each measure, in a specific agreement
- To jointly organize seminars, meetings and scientific meetings, to mutually inform each other their activities and, where appropriate, to exchange related documents
- To envisage contacts with library, administrative and service personnel for the sharing of experience on questions of common interest
- To undertake any action in compliance with the objectives of the present Convention.
2 University Francois - Rabelais of Tours (UFRT) - MOU 17-07-14 The two universities agree to encourage and promote the following academic and educational activities:
- Joint research and tuition activities
- Exchange of university documentation and publications
- Exchange of faculty members for research purposes
- Students exchanges
3 University Francois - Rabelais of Tours (UFRT) - MOU 17-07-14 MOA on faculty members and students exchange
4 ESIEE Paris 26-01-16 MOU - The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of faculty members and researchers
- Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students
- Exchange of information, documentation and materials where appropriate
- Coordination in joint projects, seminars, conferences, etc.
- Other activities based on the agreement between the two institutions
5 - Embassy of France in Viet Nam
- Department of Education and Training of Can Tho Cit
16-09-16 The joined MOU for the establishment of the French Space - Espace France
6 Audencia Business School 23-05-17 Students nominated by Can Tho University to study at Audencia Business School through the Mekong 1000 scheme or by recommendation of Can Tho University
7 Lille 2 University of Health and Law 03-07-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Participation in common research projects,
- Mutual participation in international projects related to institutional cooperation,
- Organization of study groups, seminars and courses in the domains governed by this memorandum
- Exchanges of information, documentation and scientific publications,
- Student/visiting researcher exchanges through seminars,
- PhD trainings.
8 Lille 2 University of Health and Law 05-12-17 This Agreement aims to establish the cooperation between Lille 2 University of Health and Law and Can Tho University for doctoral training in Law. It aims at the preparation and defense of PhD theses by Vietnamese PhD students and the award of the doctor degree in law from Lille 2 University of Health and Law. This program prioritizes Vietnamese students holding a Master's degree in Law and Lecturers of Law of Can Tho University.
No Partners Date Contents
1 Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) 31-10-14 The scope and procedural details of the Agreement are as follows:
- Exchange of academic staff members
- Exchange of undergraduate and/or postgraduate students
- Establishment of joint research Programs
- Establishment of joint supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Establishment of dual or joint degree programs
- Organization of conference, seminars and symposia of mutual interest to the institutions
- Exchange of scientific and educational literature, materials relevant to topical research
- Other research and teaching activities of common interest.
2 Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya 20-11-14 Specific areas of cooperation may include such areas of mutal interest as:
- Faculty exchange;
- Student exchange
-Cooperative research;
- Joint traning programs;
- Short visit;
- Exchange books, journals, teaching materials, scientific papers and research report.
No Partners Date Contents
1 The University of Pisa 09-06-14 The activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Exchange of teachers, researchers, technical and administrative staff;
- Exchange of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students;
- Joint research projects;
- Joint conferences;
- Joint cultural programs
- Exchange of academic materials, publications, and others documentation.
2 The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 08-11-15 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Development of common research projects
- Interchange of teaching staff, researchers and technical staff
- Student mobility
- Mutual acceptance of scholarship holders and PhD students
- Interchange of scientific documentation and publications and data transmission networks
- Organisation of special conventions, seminars, and scientific meetings, arranged by mutual agreement
3 University of Foggia 24-07-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Staff exchange
- Student exchange
- Exchange Coordinatior
4 The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 25-07-17 Eramus + "Key Action 1 - Mobility for Learners and Staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility"
No Partners Date Contents
1 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 05-08-13 MOA on student exchange program
2 Osaka Prefecture university 16-08-13 Within fields of mutual collaboration, a general form of cooperation in envisaged as follows:
- Joint research activities of Science and Technology and others
- Exchange of information in the area of scientific education and research which if of mutual interest to CTU and OPU.
- Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions
- Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for study and research
- Access to the various facilities of each institute
3 Nagasaki University (Liaison Office) 06-01-14 The parties hereto agree as follows:
- support for joint research
- support for student exchange
- support for organizing symposia and workshops
- support for exchange lectures
4 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) - MOU 23-06-14 The activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Exchange of Faculty members;
- Exchange of students;
- Joint research and other Scholarly Activities;
- Exchange of Publications.
5 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) - MOU 23-06-14 To implement the provisions described in the MOU between CTU and TUAT, the designated officials responsible for program administration muttually confirm and agreed to the following:
- Exchange of Faculty members
- Exchange of Students.
6 Mie University (MOU) 12-09-14 The two universites agree to encourage and promote the following academic and educational activities:
- Exchange of faculty and staff members
- Exchange of students
- Exchange of publications and relevant academic and educational information
- Joint research, lectures and symposia
- Other activities such as deemed approriate by mutual consent
7 Mie University (MOA) for students exchange 12-09-14 MOA on student exchange program
8 Yamaguchi University (MOA) 15-10-14 MOA on undergraduate and graduate students exchange
9 Kanazawa University 05-10-15 The areas in which specific agreements may be developed include:
- Exchanging staffs, students and curriculum documents
- Research cooperation relates to sectors
- Organizing Conferences, Workshops
- Looking for cooperation opportunities together through scholarship programs, funding, etc
Cooperation in Mekong 1000 project
10 Hosei University 19-10-15 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of professors and research scholars
- Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students
- Exchange of scientific materials, publications, and other information of mutual interest
- Collaborative activities such as joint research, lectures, symposia, conferences, etc.
11 The University of Tokyo 23-10-15 Extension to the MOU signed on July 19,2010.
The areas in which specific agreements may be developed include:
- Exchanging staffs, students and curriculum documents
- Research cooperation relates to sectors
- Organizing Conferences, Workshops
12 Kanazawa University 29-03-16 Both institutions agree:
- To co-establish a Master's Level Joint Degree Program in the "Marine Biological Resource Course" by the year 2020.
-Tto begin the considerations on the possibility of developing a Doctoral Level Joint Degree Program.
- To make an effort to promote and develop faculty, research and students exchanges
13 Kyushu University 01-04-16 The Parties undertake to promote and develop the Academic Cooperation as follows:
- Exchange of academic staff, administrative staff and students;
- Plan for joint research;
- Exchange of academic information and publications; and
- Other academic exchanges to which both Parties agree.
14 Saga University 20-08-16 The two universities agree to encourge and promote the following academic scholarly activities:
- Exchange of faculty and staff members
- Exchange of students
- Excahnge of publications and relevant academic and scholarly information
- Joint research, lectures and symposia
- Other activities deemed appropriate by mutal consent
15 Osaka University 10-09-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Activities such as collaborative research, lectures, symposiums, etc., and the exchange of researchers pertaining thereto;
- The exchange of information and materials in those fields, which are of interest to both institutions;
- The exchange of undergraduate students and graduate students.
16 Yamaguchi University 16-11-16 Both universities undertake to promote and develop cooperation with various activities such as those listed below, on the basis of equality and reciprocity.
- Exchange of faculty and administrative staff members
- Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students
- Exchange of academic information and publications
- Conducting of colloquia, lectures and seminars
- Cooperation in research and the presentation of its results
- Other forms of cooperation mutually agreed upon by both universities.
17 Kanto Gakuin University 30-11-16 Both universities agree to develop the following collaborative activities in academic areas of mutual interest, on the basis of equality and reciprocity.
- Exchange of faculty members, researchers, and administrative staff
- Exchange of students
- Implementation of collaborative research projects
- Implemetation of lectures and symposia
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Promotion of other academic cooperation on which they have agreed.
18 Kyoto Institute of Technology 12-12-16 The areas of cooperation will include any program offered at either institutions, which is desirable and feasible for the development and strengthening of cooperative relationships between the two institutions. Such programs may include:
- Exchange of students
- Exchange of faculty members and researchers
- Joint research projects
- Joint cultural programs
- Internship opportunities
19 Nagasaki University 27-02-17 Extension of the memorandum of understanding on:
- Academic Cooperation
- Students exchange
-The establishment of liaison offices
20 Kobe Digital Labo 28-02-17 Based upon the principles of respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit, the parties will make an effort to promote and develop cooperation in the following activities.
- Visit or exchange of academic staffs and faculty members
- Organization of collaborative research projects
- Joint organization of symposiums, conferences and meetings
- Other activities such as deemed appropriate by mutal consent
21 Yamagata University 13-03-17 CTU and YU will use their best efforts to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the two universities through:
- Exchange of research reports, publications and academic information
- Exchange of the faculty and staff
- Exchange of students
- Promotion of joint research projects
- Other activities by mutual agreement
22 NAP Co. Ltd 21-09-17 Memorandum of Agreement on Internship Program
23 Takesho Food & Ingredients Inc.,
- Hydro Powtech Japan Co., Ltd.,
06-02-18 The MOU aims to contribute to some programs in CTU Improvement Project, including F4 program: the quality improvement of fisheries / aquaculture products.
No Partners Date Contents
1 Gachon University 19-06-13 The areas in which specific agreements may be developed include:
- Exchange of faculty and/or scholars (professors, lecturers, or researchers)
- Exchange of graduate and/or undergraduate students;
- Exchange of academic information and materials;
- Exchange of periodical academic publications.
- Organization of joint research program ;
- Organization of joint conferences
- Other academic exchanges agreed to by both universities
2 Kyung Hee University 17-07-13 The followings general forms of cooperation will be explored:
- Collaboration in cultural exchange
- Joint research activities
- Exchange of students in both undergraduate and graduate levels
- Visits by and interchange of staff for research, teaching and discussions
- Exchange of information including, but not limited to, exchange of library materials and research publications
3 Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) 23-09-14 The two universities agree to encourage and promote the following academic and educational activities:
- Exchange of academic staffs and students for training or joining to R&D projects;
- Joint scientific and technological meetings, symposiums and lectures;
- Exchange of information on international joint R&D project;
- Joint participation in academic and industrial research project.
4 Soonchunhyang University - Korea Display Industry Association 29-10-14 The Institutions shall perform the following activities to fulfill the purpose of this agreement:
- The Cultivation of Vietnamese Human Power in the IT/Display field through the Cooperation of the Participating Institutions
- The Execution of Cooperative Projects/Business of Institutions in the Relationship of Industry-Academia-R&D and the Interchange of Human Resources therein.
- The Cooperation of Research and Development on Related Disciplines and Interchange of Information thereof.
- The Support of On-the-Job-Training and Employment of Students of Each University.
- The Joint Use of Associated Facilities and Equipment.
- Other Projects/Businesses recognized as being necessary for the Interchange and Cooperation of the Respective Institutions related to the Industry-Academia Cooperative Relationship.
- Can Tho University (CTU) commits supporting Mekong Delta Development Institute (MeDDI) and its activities on the basis of mutual benefit and cooperation. CTU also assigns Mekong Delta Development Research Institute (MDI) and the other units as the partners to implement joint research activities, training, and staff exchange.
5 Yeungnam University 10-04-15 Agreement for student exchange
6 Yeungnam University 10-04-15 Both universities agree on the following general forms of cooperation:
- Joint research activities
- Exchange of academic materials and academic publications
- Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures, and discussions
- Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for study and research
7 Pai Chai University 03-06-15 Both universities agree on the following general forms of cooperation:
- Exchange of faculty, scholars and students.
- Students research educational materials and information.
- Organization of joint conferences and research programs.
- Other exchanges as may be agreed to by both parties..
8 Incheon National University 09-07-15 Both universities agree on the following general forms of cooperation:
- Exchange of faculty, scholars and students.
- Students research educational materials and information.
- Organization of joint conferences and research programs.
- Other exchanges as may be agreed to by both parties.
9 Gyeongsang National University 22-09-15 Agreement on establishment of Korean Language Center at CTU
10 The National Fisheries Research and Development Insitute (NFRDI) 13-10-15 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Joint research collaboration
- Exchange of researchers
- Symposium and academic activities
- Student field trips and education programs
11 Asia Cultural Exchange Foundation (ACEF) 01-11-15 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Support for Korean language teaching for Vietnamese brides
- Support for Vietnam students enrolled in Korea
- Implementation of the project to help Vietnamese brides, children of multicultural Vietnamese - Korean families
- Implement projects to build houses of compassion and other programs to help the poor families.
12 Korean Studies Center of CTU - The Office of International Affairs of Tongmyong University 27-11-15 Both institutions establish cooperation for the development of Korean Language education, Korean cultural interchange and other diverse fields
13 Busan University of Foreign Studies 04-12-15 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of professors and research scholars
- Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students
- Exchange of scientific materials, publications, and other information of mutual interest
- Collaborative activities such as joint research, lectures, symposia, conferences, etc.
14 Can Tho University Korean Studies Center -
Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights policy (KOCUN)-
Can Tho Women's Union
18-12-15 MOU on Operation of Pre-Departure Orientation program for Vietnamese Marriage Migrant Women in Can Tho University (2016-2018)
15 Sejong Cyber University 14-03-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange technology and experiments about distance learning, e-learning, methodologies and etc.
- Exchange academic staffs, faculty members and students
- Training Korean for CTU staffs who will become the Korean lecturers at Can Tho University
- Training graduate program
- Carrying out collaboration research projects
- Joining making project to apply KOICA
16 Seoul National University 01-04-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Collection, identification and authentication of Vietnamese medicinal plants
-Extraction of collected samples
- Preliminary screening of the biological activities of Vietnamese medicinal plants and selection of active samples for further researches
- Bioassay-guided isolation and structural eluciation of active compounds from selected plants
- Studying on structure-activity relationships (SAR) and mechanism of bio-activities
- Bioactivity evaluations of natural products and synthetic compounds
- Support each other to apply the patents to Vietnam and Korea governments, and share the benefits as both discussed. Both parties discuss and agree to share the profit rights before patent application.
- Development of new drugs from lead compounds, if any.
17 C&J Happy International Service Group 12-08-16 The Service Group supports the scholarship (total $2000 a year for each February and August) for training youths in CTU and CTU provides scholarship to students in school who are eligible to. Aslo the Service Group endeavors to increase the amount of the scholarship every yeat.
18 Gyeongsang National University (GNU) 27-10-16 The objectives of the MOU are to enable both parties to explore and discuss as the following contents.
- The establishment of GNU-CTU global industry-university cooperation center in Can Tho University and appointment of joint executive directors (GNU, CTU),
- The sharing and exchange of industry-university cooperation programs,
- The exchange, visit, overseas industry experience and internship of academic staff, scholars and students,
- The mutual cooperation for enterprise technical support programs,
- The sponsoring of cooperative seminars, workshops and other academic meetings on matters of mutual interests, and
- The exchanging of the university publications and information.
19 Wonkwang University 29-05-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
-Opening of the Courses for "Master's - Doctoral Degrees' (3+1+2)
- Interchange of Students
20 Kyungbuk College 05-07-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Visits by and exchange of faculty, staff and students
- Joint research projects
- Sharing of information through exchange of research publications
- Co-developing and offering of regular and irregular training programs
- Joint curriculum development and operation
- Especially as for outreach programs, two parties shall put all efforts for voluntary places arrangement, safety, health, welfare of each party's students while they are in the other party's country.
- In cases of sending one's faculty, staff and students to the other party for certain programs, the other party shall bear a portion of the cost and support administratively on the bases of reciprocal equality and benefits
- If any problem occurs while cooperating, two parties shall try to search the solution with the friendly manner between two parties.
21 Hannam University 19-10-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of students
- Exchange of faculty members
- Exchange of academic materials and other information
- Short-term academic or cultural programs
- Mutual cooperation between Hannam University and Korean Studies Center of Can Tho University
- Other agreed academic exchanges that both institutions agree to.
22 Wonkwang University 13-03-18 In order to conduct the joint operation of Sejong Institute between Wonkwang University and Can Tho University.
- CTU supports space for the operationof Sejong Institute and work visa of dispatched lecturer.
- The Korean lecturer at Sejong Institute is selected by Wonkwang University.
- Sejong Institute's asministration and tuition fees are subject to the Sejong Institute Foundation regulations.
No Partners Date Contents
1 National Penghu University of Science and Technology 29-05-13 The areas in which specific agreements may be developed include:
- Exchange of faculty and/or staff
- Exchange of graduate and/or undergraduate students;
- Exchange of scientific materials, publications, and information;
- Exchange of cultural activities;
- Joint conferences and academic programs;
- Joint research activities and publications.
2 National Pingtung University of Education 07-03-14 The activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students;
- Exchange of university faculty and staff;
- Joint research projects in areas of mutual interest;
- Participation in seminars or conferences organized by either institution;
- Exchange of academic materials and other information;
- Other exchanges as may be agreed to by both parties.
3 National Taiwan Ocean University 22-09-14 Extension of the MOU signed on 28 August, 2008.
4 National Chung Hsing University 09-12-14 The scope and procedural details of the Agreement are as follows:
- Exchange of faculty and staff members
- Exchange of students
- Dual Degree Programs
- Joint research, lectures and symposia
- Other activities such as deemed appropriate by mutual consent
5 National Central University 23-04-15 Both universities agree on the following general forms of cooperation:
- Promoting institutional exchange by inviting faculty and staff to participate in joint research projects;
- Promoting the exchange of essays, publications, theses, and information related to the research;
- Promoting dual prgram;
- Promoting student exchange program.
6 National Central University 23-04-15 Agreement on student exchange between NCU and CTU
7 Global Partner Vietnam Enterprises LTD 14-06-16 The two parties agree to implement the folowing colaborative activities in fields of aquaculture and fisheries and relating areas:
- Education and training
- Research
- Training workshop and conferences
8 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 07-07-16 Cooperation shall be carried out through such activities as:
- To encourage visits by faculty from one university to the other for the purpose of engaging in research;
- To facilitate the admission of qualified students from one university to the other for the purpose of enrolling in undergraduate and graduate programs, and in the case of advanced graduate students, participating in research;
- To foster the exchange of academic publications and scholarly informations; and
- To promote other academic activities which enhance the above mentioned goals.
9 National Pingtung University 18-07-16 The two universities agree to encourge and promote the following activities:
- Promoting institutional exchange by inviting faculty and staff to participate in joint research project;
- Promoting the exchange of the essays, publications, theses, and information related to the research;
- Promoting dual degree program;
- Promoting student exchange program.
10 Da-Yeh University 29-07-16 Based on the principles of mutual benefit, both institutions intend to explore opportunities to:
- Promote intersest in the teaching and research activities of the respective institutions;
- Promote institutional exchanges by inviting students, faculty and administrators of the partner institutions to participate in a variety of learning, teaching and research activities and professional development;
- Conduct of joint research projects and joint programs;
- Organize symposia, conferences, short courses and meetings on research issues;
- Promotion of other acacdemic cooperation as agreed by both universities.
11 National Chi Nan University 20-09-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Visits and exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for study and research.
- Visits and exchange of faculty and staff for research and instructions.
- Exchange of information including, but not limited to library materials and research publications.
- Joint research and academic activities.
- Study tour programs.
12 Far Eastern Polytex (Vietnam) LTD 13-12-16 General terms:
1. The purpose of this MOU is to establish a relationship between Can Tho University and Far Eastern Polytex (Viet Nam) Limited to enable an educational experience for CTU's students at the FEPV's site.
2. The intern program is offered to students at the 3rd year of bachelor degree or 1st year of master degree who major in Chemical Engineering/ Mechanical/ Electrical & Electronic Engineering/ IT/ Industrial Engineering/ Automation/ English- Chinese Language.
3. The students participating in the intern program during the term of this memorandum will be selected initially by CTU based on their high performing academic record, and FEPV will make the final decision based on their success to pass the company’s interview and assessment. The students then may get the intern scholarship with 5,000,0000 VND/ semester/ student.
4. The period for internship of the students will not in principle exceed two months.
13 Yuan Ze University& Far Eastern Polytex (Vietnam) 13-12-16 General terms
1. YZU and CTU agree to establish and ofer a dual degree to CTU's students (DDP)
2. YZU, CTU and FEPV agree to jointly develop an elite cultivation program (ECP)
3. The purpose of DDP and ECP is to nature potentially skilled and talented individuals for empoyment by FEPV or its affiliates upon successful completion of the Programs.
14 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 21-03-17 Academic exchange is considered here to include but not be limited to:
- Development of mutually beneficial academic and training programs
- Exchange of students for purpose of studying; and faculty & staff for purposes of teaching, research and extension
- Reciprocal assistance for visiting academic faculty, staff and students
- Coordination of such activities as joint research and transfer of technology
- Exchange of documentaion and research materials in fields of mutual interests
- Development of Dual Degree Program.
15 National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences 11-05-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of scholars and researchers
- Coordination of activities such as joint research, lectures, and symposia
- Exchange of data, documentation, and research materials in fields of mutual interest
- Exchange of students
- Cooperation of dual degree program
16 National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences 11-05-17 MOA on student exchange program
17 1. National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
2. Metal Industries Research &Development Center
18-09-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
1. Exchange of scholars and researchers
2. Coordination of activities such as joint research, lectures, symposia and training courses
3. Exchange of data, documentation, and research materials in fields of mutual interest
4. Exchange of students
5. Cooperation of the dual degree program
6. Metal Industries Research & Development Centre will assist in the arrangement of internship and research opportunities for students of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences in Taiwan and Can Tho University in Viet Nam.
18 National Chiao Tung University 17-10-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- student exchange
- faculty exchange
- exchange of scientific and teaching materials
- joint research projects
- dual degree
- conferences
- workshop
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1 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University 04-06-13 The activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Exchange of students for education and training;
- Academic and research collaboration in the areas of mutual strengths and interests of both Parties;
- Exchange of agreed materials, which are to be made available to both parties;
- Exchange of academic staff for academic development and research;
- Any other areas of cooperation to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
2 Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya 04-09-13 The followings general forms of cooperation will be explored:
- Collaboration among faculty and staff members for research, symposia, and other academic pursuits as feasible and mutually agreed;
- Exchange visits by students as mutually agreed and jointly agreed;
- Joint research activities when mutually agreed and feasible; and
- Exchanges of informational materials on education, training, and research matters.
3 Dhurakij Pundit University 08-10-13 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of students, student interns, and faculty and/or staff members
- Joint research activities and publications
- Participation in seminars and academic meetings
- Exchange of academic materials and other information
- Special short-term academic programs and others as appropriate
4 Faculty of Agricultural Technology, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology (MOA) 20-11-13 The activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Exhange of teaching and research personnel;
- Exchane of students;
- Collaboration in research projects;
- International training, workshop, study-tour programs;
- Publication of research result;
- Organizing of symposium and other academic activities.
5 Suranaree University of Technology 13-02-14 The activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Joint research and training activities;
- Exchange of invitations extended to scholars for lectures, seminars and participation in conferences, colloquia and symposia;
- Exchange of faculty and students for studies and research;
- Exchange of information in fields of mutual interest;
- Cooperation in other areas will also be arranged through mutual agreement.
6 Prince of Songkla University (MOU) 17-02-14 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- To promote individual contacts among scholars, students, and personnel of both universities;
- To promote links in teaching, research, and cultural activities;
- To provide opportunities for both staff and students exchanges, however, such exchange need not be equally reciprocated;
- To develop and to encourage joint research, seminars, conferences, workshops, and to also assist each other in obtaining external funding from outside sources;
- To develop, when opportunities availed, joint study program;
- To support the exchange of academic materials;
- To share experiences and expertise concerning university administration and management;
- To encourage any other activities that both universities agree to be of mutual benefit.
7 Prince of Songkla University (MOA) 17-02-14 SAT-PSU and CAF-CTU intent to collaborate with each other in pursuing academic cooperation and activities, which include:
- Exchange of teaching and research personnel
- Exchange of students
- Collaboration in research projects
- Establishment of joint programs
- Publication of research result
- Organizing of workshop, symposia and other academic activities..
8 Surathani Rajabhat University 18-02-14 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- To promote individual contacts among scholars, students, and personnel of both universities;
- To promote links in teaching, research, and cultural activities;
- To provide opportunities for both staff and students exchanges, however, such exchange need not be equally reciprocated;
- To develop and to encourage joint research, seminars, conferences, workshops, and to also assist each other in obtaining external funding from outside sources;
- To develop, when opportunities availed, joint study program;
- To support the exchange of academic materials;
- To share experiences and expertise concerning university administration and management;
- To encourage any other activities that both universities agree to be of mutual benefit.
9 King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 14-05-14 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- To promote individual contacts among scholars, students, and personnel of both universities;
- To promote links in teaching, research, and cultural activities;
- To provide opportunities for both staff and students exchanges, however, such exchange need not be equally reciprocated;
- To develop and to encourage joint research, seminars, conferences, workshops, and to also assist each other in obtaining external funding from outside sources;
- To develop, when opportunities availed, joint study program;
- To support the exchange of academic materials;
- To share experiences and expertise concerning university administration and management;
- To encourage any other activities that both universities agree to be of mutual benefit.
10 King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 14-05-14 FAT-KMITL and CAAB-CTU intent to collaborate with each other in pursuing academic cooperation and activities, which include:
- Exchange of teaching and research personnel
- Exchange of students
- Collaboration in research projects
- Establishment of joint programs
- Publication of research result
- Organizing of workshop, symposia and other academic activities.
11 Phranakhon Rajabhat University (PRU) 10-09-14 Training cooperation between parties:
- Exchanging staffs, students and curriculum documents
- Research cooperation
- Organizing Conferences, Workshops
12 Khon Kaen University 21-01-15 The areas in which specific agreements may be developed include:
- Exchange of academic staff and students at all levels.
- Exchange of academic information, materials and programs.
- Developing and implementing joint research programs, including developing proposals for funding purposes.
- Implementing Vietnamese, Thai and English proficiency at KKU and CTU.
- Co-organizing joint conference and workshops as well as international training programs at CTU and KKU.
- Developing programs to assist the staff from the two institutions in studying towards Masters and Ph.D. degrees, including Split Program involving co-supervision from both universities.
13 Naresuan University 01-09-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of Lecturers
- Visit of Lecturers and Researchers
- Exchange of Students
- Exchange of Documents
14 Thaksin University 14-09-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of Lecturers
- Visit of Lecturers and Researchers
- Exchange of Students
- Exchange of Documents
15 King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) 08-03-18 The general purpose of this MOU is to facilitate research and knowledge dissemination cooperation between the parties hereunder based upon the principles of mutual benefits and may include, but not limited to, the following general cooperation areas;
1. Joint research and collaboration in the field of
- Environmental management
- Climate change issues
- Natural resources monitoring and management
- Biodiversity and ecosystem mapping and monitoring
- Development of decision support system for forest and other natural resources
- Biofuels and bioenergy
- Solid waste management in ASEAN region
- Energy efficiency
- Climate technologies
2. Exchange of visiting experts for the purpose of conducting research and carrying out field survey activities e.g. biomass mapping, collecting field survey data by GPS and exchange and discussion on analyzed data or other relevant activities based on discussion or agreement among the parties.
3. Exchange of facilities and equipment for collaborative or independent research based on the policies of both entities where appropriate.
4. Exchange of information including data, research papers, indices to theses, books and magazines on relevant subjects and potential joint projects where possible and appropriate.
5. Extend invitations for attending scholarly and technical meetings as well as national and international conferences.
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1 HZ University of Applied Sciences 11-01-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Joint - Education Program
- Exchange of faculty and scholars (professors, lecturers, or researchers)
- Exchange of undergraduate students
- Other academic exchanges agreed to by both universities
- Investigate the possibilities in developing joint programmes between the 2 institutions
- Developing projects in cooperation with companies from the Netherlands and Viet Nam
2 University of Groningen 29-05-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of scholars and staff
- Excahnge of undergraduate and graduate students
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Joint research activities and publications
- Participation in conferences and academic meetings
- Other academic exchanges that both universities agree to.
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1 University of Surrey 22-11-13 This agreement sets out the terms on which Can Tho unviersity and the University of Surrey will work together on the Mekong 1000 Project Scheme and outlines the responsibilities of the Parties.
2 Sheffield Hallam University 25-05-17 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Cooperation to participate in the Mekong 1000 project
- Establishment of a staff and student exchange programme between SHU and CTU
- Establishment of academic seminars at the SHU and CTU
- Establishment of a research partnership which provides opportunities for SHU and CTU to carry out and publish joint research
- Continuation of the exploration of partnership opportunities as muttually agreed
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1 University of California 31-05-13 The parties hereto agree as follows:
- During the 2013-2014 academic year, and for each remaining year during the five (5) year term of this Agreement, the University of California and CTU agree that up to forty (40) UC students may be enrolled at CTU in any single semester.
- UC agrees to provide funds for instruction provided by CTU, students services, class room space rental, as mutually agreed per sections and conditions outlined.
2 The U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior 30-12-14 Specific areas of cooperation may include such areas of mutal interest as:
- Ecosystems;
- Climate variability and land-use changes;
- Energy and minerals;
- Environmental health;
- Natural hazards, risk and resilience assessments;
- Water resources; and
- Informatics and data integration.
3 The University of Montana 30-11-15 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Developing and implementing teaching programs for different degree levels.
- Developing research proposals and approaching donors.
- Organizing of joint academic activities such as courses, conferences, seminars, symposia, or lectures.
- Exchanging of research and teaching personnel.
- Exchanging of students
- Exchanging of publications and other materials of common interests.
4 Princeton in Asia (PiA) 14-06-16 The partnership of this cooperation is to provide support and services to CTU, to give deserving young people the opportunity to learn about Viet Nam and to create a cadre of Americans with meaningful experience and a marked interest in Viet Nam.
5 Arizona State University (ASU) 28-06-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Coordinate a Project Leadership Team and Solutions Councils to prioritize project goals an monitor key performance indicators, driving the operational strategy in support the BUILD-IT Alliance goals and objectives
6 Teachers for Viet Nam
29-06-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Exchange of volunteers. Faculty and researchers
-Participation in seminars and academic meetings
7 University of California, Riverside 14-11-16 The cooperative activities to be undertaken by parties may include:
- Establish joint areas of research interest on salanity - broadly conceived - between Vietnamese institutions (CTU and CLRRI) and the US institutions (UCR)
- Identify key faculty at all institutions that will spearhead the different research thrusts (for example, desalination technology, impact of salinity on soil quality, breeding salt-tolerant plant species, and other areas of interest to the research team), contribute to grant writing, and manage and distribute funds.
- Establish annual mettings that bring together UCR and Vietnamese researchers and students to discuss research activities revolving around salinity
- Identify anf persue funding opportunities that will allow for Vietnamese graduate students to come to UCR for training at the MS and PHD levels. These students will work on salinity-related research topics under the supervision of UCR faculty, and will be committed to returning to Viet Nam once their degrees are completed
- Identify and pursue funding opportunities that will allow UCR faculty and students to conduct research in the Mekong Delta region.
8 Western Michigan University 22-02-17 It is the intent of the two institutions to cooperate, within their respective legal and institutional requirements, strategic plans and goals, and avalability of resources, to explore the following:
- The potential for joint projects, such as study abroad and transnational education programs
- The exchange of faculty, staff, and/or students
- The exchange of knowledge through teaching, materials, and other venues as appropriate
- Other potential educational developments and ideas that would mutually benefit both institutions.
9 University of California, Riverside 14-04-17 Cooperation is considered here to include but not be limited to:
- Exchange of information
- Exchange of students
- Exchange of faculty
- Collaborative programs
- Intellectual property
- Cooperation for Development of Resources
10 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 08-05-17 Cooperation is considered here to include but not be limited to:
- Exchange of information
- Exchange of students
- Exchange of faculty and staff
- Collaborative programs
- Intellectual property
- Cooperation for Development of Resources
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1 Liberal Arts University 03-11-14 The two institutions have found it mutually beneficial to initiate cooperative activities in the following areas:
- Exchange of faculty and staff members;
- Exchange of students for short and long term programs;
- Exchange of theses, teaching materials and other scientific and academic literatures;
- Joint research activities including summer school, joint conference, overseas field training, sports and cultural festival.
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1 The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 06-02-15 To collaborate in activities of CCAFS's Flagship Projects in Tra Hat Climate-Smart village and areas of Bac Lieu province
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1 British Council Vietnam 10-11-17 British Council and the Can Tho University (CTU) agrees the purpose of the partnership as bellows:
• To provide efficient international English testing solutions for the assessment needs of CTU:
o IELTS for students and teachers/lecturers who would like to go overseas to continue their studies after graduation.
o Aptis test for those who need CEFR-matched English qualifications for level benchmark and graduation.
• To support the University’s plan to develop assessment literacy for teachers and lecturers.
• To create opportunities for the University’s English teachers to participate in British Council’s newest programmes and training courses to share knowledge, experience and resources in practical English teaching and assessment methodology.
• To provide access for the University’s students to the most updated information about international English qualifications, as well as English learning and test preparation materials, as well as updated information and opportunities relating to studying in the UK.




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