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The 15th Anniversary Celebration and Alumni Reunion of the College of Environment and Natural Resources

On November 19th, 2023, the College of Environment and Natural Resources (CENRes), Can Tho University (CTU), organized a ceremony to commemorate its 15th anniversary (2008-2023) and hold a reunion for alumni. This occasion provided an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students of the CENRes to reflect on the 15-year journey of establishment and development, while recognizing and expressing gratitude to generations of lecturers, alumni, trainees, and research students who have contributed to the success of the CENRes.


Overall the ceremony

The ceremony was attended by representatives, leaders of CTU’s units, foreign experts, faculty and staff members of the CENRes, as well as over 200 alumni, research students, postgraduate students, and undergraduate students.

In his opening speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cong, the Head of the CENRes, shared that the college was established based on Decision No. 81/QD-CTU issued on January 21, 2008, by the Rector of CTU, through the merger of the Environmental Engineering, Water Resources, and Environmental Management disciplines. In 2010, the college further expanded by incorporating the Land Resources Department (from the College of Agriculture). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cong affirmed that the CENRes has been steadily progressing, solidifying its position, achieving notable accomplishments, and deserving recognition as a reputable institution for quality education and in-depth research in the field of natural resources and environment.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cong reported on the achievements of the CENRes over the past 15 years

The CENRes currently has over 70 staff members, including 47 faculty members (1 professor and 15 associate professors), 20 researchers, and 3 specialists. As of now, the college offers 6 undergraduate programs, 5 postgraduate programs, and 2 doctoral programs. These programs are designed as credit-based systems, continuously improved to meet societal needs, and internally assessed for quality according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Training. Notably, 2 programs have been accredited according to AUN-QA standards, and 2 programs are scheduled for accreditation in 2023 and 2024. /font>

Over the past 15 years, the college has trained more than 9,268 engineers (including 7,199 regular program engineers and 2,069 work-study engineers), 884 master's degree holders, and 35 doctoral degree holders (including 28 in Environmental Land and Water and 7 in Land Management). Graduates from the CENRes hold important positions in society, contributing to environmental management, utilization, and protection in Vietnam. Each year, the college facilitates an average of 10 student exchanges and study visits to universities and research institutes in the Southeast Asian region.

In terms of infrastructure development, the college has received support from international cooperation organizations, equipping 14 laboratories and practical rooms to facilitate the learning and research activities of students, postgraduate students, and researchers. Additionally, the college has modern equipment invested through Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects from the Japanese government.

Regarding scientific research, the CENRes's staff members have conducted over 1,000 research projects and publications in domestic and international journals, with 40% of the works published in international journals. These research outcomes provide valuable scientific information for the local community. Notable research areas include environmental monitoring, assessment, and forecasting; water treatment using various techniques and technologies; applications of GIS, remote sensing, and advanced technologies in environmental resource management and agriculture production; biodiversity conservation planning and processes; ecosystem service evaluation; small-scale livestock waste treatment using biogas; greenhouse gas reduction, and more. The college also organizes short-term training courses on specific topics of interest to local communities, contributing to knowledge sharing and enhancement for management officials and residents in the Mekong Delta region.

TThe achievements of the CENRes over the past 15 years are attributed to the attention, support, and guidance of the Party Committee and the CTU Retorate Board, the unity and solidarity of the staff, the support from internal and external units, and the companionship of generations of alumni. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cong hopes that this gathering is a valuable opportunity for the college to express deep gratitude to the generations of members, researchers, and alumni who have dedicated themselves to the continuous development of the college.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hieu Trung in his speech

In his speech at the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hieu Trung extended congratulations and acknowledged the achievements that the CENRes has attained during its strong 15-year journey. The Vice Rector expressed deep appreciation for the wholehearted efforts in fulfilling the responsibilities of teaching, scientific research, and technology transfer by the faculty members and staff of the CENRes. He also thanked the alumni for their interest, cooperation, and support. The Vice Rector expressed hope that the CENRes will continue to receive support and collaboration from various organizations, institutions, and individuals to contribute to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta region.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cong presented flowers to the sponsors

 Mr. Dinh Hoang Thien, a representative of the alumni from the CENRes, delivered a speech

Group photo  


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