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Japan’s Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City visiting Can Tho University

On April 25th, 2017, Can Tho University (CTU) was honored to welcome Mr. Jun-ichi Kawaue, Consul General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City to pay a visit and work with the University. Welcoming the delegates were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Viet Dung, Vice Rector and leader representatives of CTU’s units. The meeting were also attended by JICA’s Chief Advisor and Coordinator within the framework of ODA projects.

The meeting between CTU and the Consul General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City at the Administration Building, CTU

At CTU’s side, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Viet Dung, Vice Rector, sent thanks to the Consul General for his interests and visit to CTU, at the same time, briefly presented highlighted information about CTU. The Vice Rector shared that in the strategic plan for the University’s development in the coming time, CTU focuses on enhancing the quality of training and improving the high rank of the University within the country and in the region. Especially, CTU Improvement Project using Japanese Government’s loans is regarded as an important foundation for the objective of strengthening the capacity and quality of the University.

At the meeting, the Consul General expressed his thanks for the warm welcome of CTU to the delegation and congratulated the achievements that CTU has gained in recent years. On this occasion, the Consul General had discussion with JICA’s Chief Advisor and Coordinator in the ODA Project to deeper understand about the projects funded by the Japanese Government and implemented by CTU.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Viet Dung sharing information about CTU


Mr. Jun-ichi Kawaue speaking at the meeting


Chief Advisor and Coordinator informing the ODA projects


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Viet Dung introducing the construction items in the framwork of the ODA project

The Consul General visited the Tradition Room where displays the history, achievements, souvenirs, etc. of CTU:


Mr. Jun-ichi Kawaue seeing the research paper by the Japanese Emperor solemnly displayed in the Tradition Room


(Information and Network Management Center)

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