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International workshop on Evaluation of the Student Survey and Development trends in Higher education (ComO QM Project)

The ComO QM (Quality Management in Complex Organizations) Project which deals with specific questions regarding governance and quality management systems of higher education institutions consists of 4 partner universities: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho University (CTU) in Viet Nam and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the University of Potsdam from Germany. The Project aims to benefit the partner universities in developing the specific governance systems in close link to the respective quality management system, developing structures of the quality management on each cooperating university, designing effective managerial tools and tools for quality assurance and having them tested. This should contribute to a long-term exchange on inter-university and crosscultural results of the corresponding surveys.

In the framework of the project, on December 04th, 2017, collaborated with the partners, CTU held a workshop to evaluate the first results of the student survey conducted at four partner universities. The goals of the survey are to gain basic data for all four universities, receive comparable data for further discussions and collegial exchange within the project, analyze similarities and differences between the two countries, and obtain a detailed view of study and teaching.

International workshop on Evaluation of the Student Survey taking place at the Administration Building, CTU

Discussion at the workshop:


Group discussion

On December 05th, 2017, CTU organized an international workshop on Development trends in Higher education. Besides the participation of German partner universities, the workshop was attended by representatives of departments of education and training, universities, colleges in the Mekong Delta. At CTU’s side were representative of the Rectorate Board, CTU’s units together with lectures and students.

International workshop on Development trends in higher education taking place at Learning Resource Center, CTU

At the workshop, there are three reports presented including "Developing a research-oriented university", "Internationalization of higher education and its influence on university institution rankings", and "CTU orientation for excellence center of education and research".

The workshop is an opportunity for the universities to discuss and share their experiences in building universities in the orientation of research, and developing the quality assurance of universities in the context of internationalization of higher education.

Prof. Gregor Daschmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, presenting the content on developing a research-oriented university


GS. Florian Schweigert, Potsdam University, with the presentation on internationalization of higher education and its influence on university institution rankings


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Viet Dung, Vice Rector of CTU, sharing the orientation for excellence center of education and research of CTU




Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Viet Dung presenting gifts to the partner universities in the ComO QM project


Group photo


(Information and Network Management Center)

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