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20 students from the College of Information and Communication Technology attended a short-term study tour in Malaysia

From June 18 to 22, 2024, Can Tho University (CTU) organized a short-term study tour to Malaysia for 20 students from the College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT) at the Asia-Pacific University (APU), Malaysia, concentrated on technology and innovation.

CTU’s students check in at APU

This international student exchange program was organized by CTU to expand international cooperation and provide opportunities for students to access emerging technology trends, learn from experiences, and enhance their creative skills. CTU provided partial financial support for the students participating in this program.

Twenty students, selected to participate in the program, hailed from the disciplines of Information Technology, Computer Science, and Software Engineering. These students were afforded the chance to explore and study at APU's laboratories and research centers, partake in workshops and seminars focused on IoT, cybersecurity, and innovation, and take part in cultural exchanges and the sharing of ideas with peers from around the globe.


Learning activities at APU

The activity was included in CTU's yearly series of events designed to enhance international collaboration and educational standards. The initiative sought to provide students with enriching experiences, thus aiding in the development of high-caliber human resources for the Mekong Delta region.

Group photo

CTU regarded the student exchange program as a significant chance to broaden international collaboration and offer students the opportunity to acquire essential skills. Amidst increasing international integration, the implementation of such international student exchange programs is crucial. They enable students to keep abreast of the newest technological advancements, refine their creative abilities, foster intercultural dialogue, and expand their worldwide outlook. The initiative aimed to enhance CICT's educational standards and provide students with opportunities to cultivate vital competencies like adaptability, critical thinking, and innovation in the digital era. 


(Cre: College of Information and Communication Technology)

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