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Workshop on Practical Classroom Assessment: From Theory to Application

On November 10th, 2017, Can Tho University (CTU) collaborated with the British Council Vietnam to organize the Workshop on "Practical Classroom Assessment: From Theory To Application" under the support from the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, especially the National Foreign Languages Project 2020.

The workshop was attended by leader representatives of National Foreign Languages 2020 Project, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, British Council Vietnam, leaders, lecturers form universities and colleges in the Mekong Delta.

The workshop Practical Classroom Assessment: From Theory to Application taking place at Learning Resource Center-CTU

Language assessment is an integral part of language teaching and language curriculum. Language assessment provides information for decision-making and planning of teachers’ instructions and students’ learning. Using a variety of assessment techniques, teachers could gather information about what students know and are able to do, and provide positive, supportive feedbacks to students, which may help students learn more effectively. Therefore, the workshop create an opportunity for participants to widen in-depth knowledge of classroom-based assessment and practical hands-on experience.

Assocc.Prof.Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of CTU in the opening speech 

The workshop took place with a plenary session and four parallel ones. In plenary session, the two keynote addresses were about classroom-based assessment: rationale, benefits and challenges, and developing rating scales-the case of the Vietnamese standardized test of English proficiency. The content of four parallel sessions are assessing Speaking, using assessment-related activities to facilitate meaningful classroom interactions for learning, project-based classroom assessment: form theory to application, alternative assessment: implementation and evaluation.

Ms. Victoria Clark, Assessment Development Manager, East Asia British Council reporting on classroom-based assessment: Rationale, benefits and challenges


Ms. Nguyen Thi Mai Huu, Executive Director of National Foreing Languages 2020 Project, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam presenting on developing rating scales-the case of the Vietnamese standardized test of English proficiency

Given the fruitful collaboration in the past, as well as both parties’ mutual interest in creating more opportunities for students and teachers in Can Tho, the British Council Vietnam and CTU has signed a Memorandum of Understanding in international English examinations and assessment development to strengthen collaboration in delivering high quality international English examinations, as well as developing assessment literacy for teachers.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ha Thanh Toan and Ms. Victoria Clark signing the Memorandum of Understanding


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