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Welcoming H.E. Mr. Gareth Ward - The British Ambassador to Vietnam to Can Tho University

On May 23rd, 2019, Can Tho University (CTU) was honored to welcome H.E. Mr. Gareth Ward, British Ambassador to Vietnam. This is the first visit of the Ambassador to CTU with the aim of promoting cooperative relations between British partners and CTU.

Welcoming H.E. Mr. Gareth Ward - The British Ambassador to Vietnam to CTU

At the meeting, representing CTU's leaders, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Vice Rector expressed his pleasure to welcome the Ambassador, and introduced the outstanding activities of the University over the years. The Vice Rector emphasized the significant mission and role of the University in training human resources for the Mekong Delta region. Accordingly, CTU offers more than 48,000 students with 98 undergraduate, 48 ​​master (four international) and 19 PhD programs, especially, five programs were accredited by AUN-QA.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh welcomed and introduced the Ambassador  to CTU

CTU has established cooperative relationships with many domestic and international institutes, universities and businesses including partners from Britain. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh also mentioned several issues that the Mekong Delta is facing, especially the effects of climate change, thereby expecting more opportunities for cooperation with British partners in the coming time.

Mr. Gareth Ward shared information at the meeting

The discussion was focused on the British industrial strategies. Mr. Gareth Ward also shared the view of Britain on technology trends and opportunities in the new period of modern world. The Ambassador asserted to create opportunities for CTU's visit to Britain and strengthen the partnership between CTU and British partners.


(Information and Network Management Center)

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