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TV Discussion with Japanese Education Committee for new Master Programs

Technical Cooperation Project aiming to "strengthen the capacity of Can Tho University to become excellent in training, scientific research and technology transfer" is designed to support the implementation of Can Tho University Improvement Project ODA-funded by the Government of Japan.


One of the project’s component is to strengthen the capacity of training in order to develop new training programs and accredit training programs according to international quality standards. In the series of the project’s activities, on February 28th, 2017, Can Tho University (CTU) in collaboration with JICA and Japanese Education Committee of university partners including University of Hokkaido, University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Osaka University and Kagoshima University organized a meeting to discuss the development of 03 master programs in English.


The meetings between the CTU, JICA and Japanese Education Committee


Previously, CTU proposed 03 new training programs in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture and environment including Climate Change and Sustainable Tropical Agriculture, Climate Change and Integrated Management of Coastal Aquaculture and Fisheries, Climate Change and Delta Management.


At the meeting, the participants discussed the content of the training program objectives; admission policies, curriculum policies, assessment; and agree on the JICA and the Committee’s recommendation on curriculum structure, credits, graduate thesis, program assessment. Accordingly, the programs are expected to be ready for enrollment in early 2018 after the application for new programs is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training at the end of 2017.


Discussion at the meeting

(Information and Network Management Center)

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