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The 115th AUN-QA Program Assessment of International Business and Information Technology

From May 22-24, 2018, Can Tho University (CTU) was honored to receive the delegation of assessors from AUN (ASEAN University Network) to assess undergraduate programs in International Business and Information Technology. The assessment team includes the AUN assessors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, National University of Singapore; Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA Expert; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anan Mungwattana, Kasetsart University and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ornlatcha Sivarak, Mahidol University, Thailand.

The opening session of the site visit of AUN-QA assessors took place at the Hall of the Administrative Building, CTU

The assessors conducted an assessment of the Self-Assessment Report, site visit at Collegge of Economics and College of Information and Communication Technology, interviews of stakeholders to the programs of International Business and Information Technology including student representatives, alumni, lecturers, supporting personnel, employers and businesses.

Located in the heart of the Mekong Delta, over 50 years of development, CTU is currently a key national educational institution. Set to become a high-ranked institution in the region and in the world, CTU is constantly striving to improve the quality of training, not only meeting the requirements of national quality standards but also accessing to regional and international quality assurance standards. In July 2013, the University officially became a member of AUN, creating favorable conditions for the University to reach a deeper level of regional quality standards, and to accompany the universities in the network to perform quality assurance of the University. Among the practical activities to promote and step by step improve the efficiency of quality assurance work, the University has conducted rigorous internal quality assessment activities to prepare for external assessment, aiming at timely adjusting and improving the quality of training activities, scientific research, technology transfer, staff development, and business and communities linkages.

Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of Can Tho University, speaking at the meeting

CTU has made every effort to maintain and improve the quality of training. Reaching out to the regional quality standards, the University has boldly conducted external assessment in accordance with AUN-QA standards. Accordingly, the University first has Agricultural Economics program accredited for the AUN quality assurance and recognized by AUN on July 15th, 2013.

In 2014, the University continued to implement an external assessment using AUN standards for two advanced undergraduate programs that are taught in English including Biotechnology and Aquaculture. After evaluating, Advanced Biotechnology and Advanced Aquaculture have been certified by AUN on November 15th, 2014. This has brought about joyfulness, excitement and encouragement for the staff to be motivated for quality accreditation of following training programs.

In addition to the above-mentioned achievements in AUN quality assurance, in 2018, the University continues to carry out external evaluations in accordance with AUN standards for two undergraduate programs in Information Technology and International Business.

Based on the preliminary report of the assessment, AUN experts analyzed the strengths and pointed out the areas for improvement of two undergraduate programs. This external assessment is an opportunity for CTU to receive valuable comments from AUN assessors, which helps CTU know the strengths and constraints to have further improvements for the two programs, as well as providing the strong basis for CTU to have proper adjustment to improve and enhance the quality of all training programs, as for the continuous improvement of the quality assurance.

At this external assessment visit, the assessors highly appreciated the enthusiasm and efforts of CTU in training activities to ensure the quality of the University in particular and in conjunction with the activities of AUN in general. The certification of AUN-accredited programs as well as the accumulated experiences learned from the ASEAN Quality Assurance Standards have confirmed the belief that CTU will continue to achieve the expected results, strongly affirming the quality, reputation and brandname of Can Tho University.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, National University of Singapore, representative of the assessment delegation, speaking


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Viet Dung, Vice Rector of CTU, briefly introduced about the University


The assessors reporting the preliminary results of the evaluation


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan presenting the token to CTU


Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan presenting souvenirs to the assessors


Group photo


(Information and Network management Center)

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