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Sightseeing the construction site and attending the stone block erection session of the High-tech Building

On March 31st, 2022, Mr. Murooka Naomichi, Deputy Head of the JICA Representative Office in Vietnam visited Can Tho University. Mr. Naomichi sightsaw construction buildings under Can Tho University Improvement Project. At CTU’s side were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Vice-Rector, Director of the Project Management Unit, and members of the Project Management Unit of Can Tho University.

Mr. Murooka Naomichi visited the Research Laboratory Complex:


Can Tho University Improvement Project is aimed at upgrading Can Tho University into an excellent and internationally recognized university in agriculture, fisheries, environment, and other related fields, contributing to socio-economic development, adapting to climate change, protecting the environment, and adding value to agriculture and fisheries in the Mekong Delta. The project uses ODA loans from the Japanese Government with a total investment of 105.9 million USD and has been implemented within seven years (2015 - 2022). The project includes five main components: (1) human resource development, (2) implementation of scientific research projects, (3) construction of facilities, (4) procurement of equipment, and ( 5) consulting service.

For the facility construction component: four construction items invested and built, include (1) a High-tech laboratory, (2) Research laboratory complex, (3) Agricultural net house, and (4) Aquaculture hatcheries. 

Inaugurated on March 30, 2021, and October 30, 2021, respectively, the aquaculture hatcheries and the agricultural net houses have been effectively used for practice and scientific research by lecturers and students of the University.

The Aquaculture hatchery and The Agricultural net house system view from the top


To celebrate the 56th anniversary of the establishment of Can Tho University (March 31st, 1966 - March 31st, 2022), Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong and Mr. Murooka Naomichi attended the erection of the high-tech building stone block. As expected, the Research Laboratory Complex and High-Tech Building will be inaugurated in October this year.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong and Mr. Murooka Naomichi performed the procedure to welcome the erection of a stone block named High-Tech Building, laying a solid foundation for the Vietnam-Japan friendship relations as well as marking an important milestone in the progress of Can Tho University Improvement Project


Souvenir photo of the completion of the erection of the high-tech building's stone block

Some pictures inside the High-Tech Building:

 On this occasion, Mr. Murooka Naomichi planted a souvenir tree to record the sightseeing trip to the High-Tech Building:


The construction works in the CTU Improvement Project have been contributing strongly to the goal of strengthening the capacity of Can Tho University to bring about high-quality research works in the fields of agriculture and fisheries, environment, and related fields, aiming to turn Can Tho University into an internationally recognized excellent school in a number of fields. Contributing to the socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta region in particular and the country in general

(Editorial board)

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