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MOU Signing Ceremony with Royal Academy of Cambodia

In September 2016, CTU was delighted to welcome and work the delegation of Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC) to discuss and seek for cooperation opportunities. Resulted from their discussion, on February 26th, 2017, the signing ceremony of memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the two parties took place at CTU.

The MOU signing ceremony between CTU and RAC taking place at the Administrative Building of CTU

At the ceremony, leader representatives of the two units, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of CTU and Academician Khlot Thyda, President of RAC, signed the MOU with the objective of promoting both academic research and enhancing educational opportunities for students through exchanges of the faculty and staff members and students for study tours, short-term trainings, teachings and researches; visiting scholars and researchers to both parties for short and long-term trainings; training of Khmer Language to CTU staff; offering annually to five Cambodian awardees from RAC; organization of joint research projects, including conferences and meetings; exchange of information and publications; other activities mutually agreed upon by the two institutions; etc.

Speaking at the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of CTU shared that international cooperation is a strategic activity of CTU, with the desire to strengthen cooperation relationships with institutes and universities around the world. With the aim of contributing to the overall development, CTU is actively involved in finding partners and establishing collaborative relationships. Currently, CTU has signed more than 200 memoranda of understanding with institutes and universities all over the world. The Rector hoped that the cooperation activities in the coming time would strengthen the understanding and bring benefits for both sides.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan speaking at the ceremony


Academician Khlot Thyda, President of RAC expressing the appreciation and trust in the relationship of cooperation between the two sides


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan and Academician Khlot Thyda signing the MOU


Exchanging gift


Group photo


(Information and Network Management Center)


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