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Bid Opening of Package 2-1 ”Procurement of Equipment for Existing Laboratories”

On December 22nd, 2017, Can Tho University (CTU) held bid opening ceremony of Package 2-1 "Procurement of Equipment for Existing Laboratories" under CTU Improvement Project.

Attending the ceremony were Prof. Tetsu Ando, Chief Adviser of Technical Cooperation Project; Mr. Yamayoshi Takeshi, Mr. Harada Ryoji, Consultant Unit of CTU Improvement Project. At CTU’s side were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Vice Rector, Director of ODA Project Management Unit; representatives of CTU’s units, expert team for evaluation of bid package 2-1, members of ODA project management unit; representatives of applicants.

Bid opening ceremony of package 2-1 taking place at the Administration Building, CTU

CTU Improvement Project is funded by ODA from the Government of Japan and approved by MOET in March 2015 with the objective of  strengthening CTU to be an excellent and meet international standards on education, scientific research, technology transfer and governance in three priority areas of agriculture, aquaculture, environment, and related fields. The success of the project contributes strongly and effectively to the rapid and sustainable development of the Mekong Delta, contributing to the development of the whole country and to accompanying advanced universities in the world.

The five components of the project include human resource development, research projects, facility development, research equipment procurement, and consultancy services. In the component of research equipment procurement, laboratories will be synchronously equipped with modern equipment. Bidding package 2-1 will supply equipment for the existing laboratories of the University for the purpose of teaching, research and practice.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of CTU, introducing CTU Improvement Project

At the ceremony, after announcing related documents, the members of the project’s specialists opened the prequalification documents of 05 participating bidders including Hanoi Construction Corporation, Kanematshu Company, Ogawa Seikei Company, joint Venture of TECOTEC GROUP and Tan Phat Equipment Joint Stock Company, and joint Venture of Phuong Truc Enterprise and Hoa Phat Furniture Joint Stock Company.

Opening the prequalification documents

The process of opening prequalification documents strictly complied the regulations and achieved the consent of the concerned parties. Then, representative of the ODA Project Management Unit and representatives of the bidders signed the record of bid opening. In the next week, the Project Management Unit will review and suggest a list of bidders meeting the selection criteria of the University, ensuring fair competition, transparency and effectiveness.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Vice Rector of CTU, Director of ODA Project Management Unit, together with representatives of bidders, signing the record of bid opening


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