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GREENUS Final Conference

On October 23rd 2023, Can Tho University (CTU) organized Final Conference of the GREENUS project at College of Engineering. This conference aims to introduce the GREENUS remarkable results and promote the collaboration between all stakeholders. Through the conference, the members of project want to share all of the successes, experiencing and inspiring, engaging and encouraging active dialogue to achieve further progress in the field of sustainable environmental education.

 Overall the final conference

Attending the conference, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Chi Ngon, Vice chairman of CTU Board of Trustees, Director of GREENUS project at CTU; Prof. Dr. Gabriella Calderari, Sapienza University Of Rome, GREENUS Project Coordinator; Prof. Dr. Dimitris Kalderis, Department of Electronic Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University; Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Petridis, Vice Rector of the Faculty of International Relations, Hellenic Mediterranean University, along with representatives leaders of unions, colleges, universities, businesses in Can Tho city, lecturers and students of CTU.

Group photos

The GREENUS Project (New Educational System for GREEN Waste Management for Recycling and Environmental Protection in Asia) is an Erasmus+ project funded by EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Executive Agency) with participation of 3 partners from Europe and 3 Universities from Vietnam. This aims to contribute to improving local capacity in waste management and recycling processes. GREENUS aims to enhance the existing conditions in the Partner Countries through various means.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Chi Ngon presents GREENUS’s project achievements at the CTU

Final Conference includes enhancing the training programs in environmental studies to promote academic excellence, identifying effective solutions to address challenges, increasing accessibility and opportunities for students, and generating more job opportunities. Our project not only imparted invaluable knowledge and skills to our students but also contributed to the betterment of partner countries.

Prof. Dr. Dimitris Kalderis summarizes “Overview on GREENUS project’s results”

Mr. Tran Hoang Anh, Director of Can Tho Everbright Environment Group Ltd. presents about “From Waste To Energy”

Prof. Dr. Kostas Petridis shares the topic “Scientific Networking”

CTU’s GREENUS students talk about “Great Europe International Mobility in the GREENUS project”

The CTU’s GREENUS project achieved notable results including building matrix on local strategies, promoting course’s development and sustainability, enhancing courses delivery and recycling waste, improving ecological campus and investment, and establishing laboratories. In addition, the project built 5 courses about green policies for sustainability of waste management, recycling processes, treatment of urban solid wastes and converting energy from waste. Specifically, GREENUS succeeded in establishing Laboratory for Waste Management and Recycles located in Faculty of Industrial Management (Computer Classroom), was equipped with lots of computers and specialized softwares to serve the research for waste recycling, supporting students' scientific research activities and the ECO-CAMPUS Pilot Project.


Visit the waste incineration plant to generate electricity of the Everbright Environment Group at Thoi Lai district, Can Tho city


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